Our Transitional Kindergarten Class
Transitional Kindergarten is a half day academic program that teaches skills necessary for beginning elementary school. The program was designed to better equip children who need an extra year to transition into kindergarten or for those parents interested in a ½ day private kindergarten for their child. We teach many concepts found in a kindergarten classroom. Throughout the day our classroom has learning centers (math, reading, science, art, etc.) where children work in groups and also independently, circle time, and reading groups. We assess where your child academically and socially several times throughout the year so we can meet your child's needs. In TK we have parent conferences at the beginning of the year (Fall) and send report cards home approximately every 9 weeks for the remainder of the year. Feel free to call and make an appointment to stop by and observe our classroom
in action anytime!
Transitional Kindergarten Daily Schedule
It is important to keep a routine when learning. We stick to the following daily schedule:
8:45 - Arrival and Morning Work
9:10 - Circle Time
9:45 Bathroom Break and Snack
10:00 - Learning Centers
11:15 - Letter/Word Study Time
11:30 - Lunch 12:00 Recess
12:30 - Pack Up/Individual Book Selection Time
12:45 - Dismissal
Circle Time
During Circle Time we do activities as a class group. We develop calendar skills, discuss the weekly theme, learn math and reading concepts, work on our weekly Bible verse, and have story time (including book awareness concepts such as characters, setting, title, author, etc.).
Letter and Word Study Time
Letter and Word Study Time is the time of day where we study literary concepts such as letter and sound recognition, word recognition, syllabic awareness, phoneme segmentation, vowel recognition, and phonemic matching. This is the time we build a foundation for reading as well as begin guided reading after the first half of the year!
Learning Centers
Learning Centers are a time for the students to do independent tasks (utilizing the skills we have been learning in Circle Time and Letter/Word Study Time) as well as work in small groups guided by the teacher. These centers include Science: sorting living and nonliving objects, knowing four seasons and types of weather, animals and their habitats, plants and their growth, etc.; Math: counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s, graphing, telling time, money sense, base tens, measuring, addition, subtraction, etc; Reading: writing, sentence structure, sight words, handwriting, etc.; Art: focused around the weekly theme and letter to promote and develop fine motor skills and creativity; and Free Choice:choices include computers, drama, and blocks.
Our TK also uses the Wee Learn Bible Curriculum to help children understand the love of Jesus through how we treat others and love one another.